Reports & Researches

UNRWA and Emergency Preparedness: Are Palestinian Camps Being Left Out?

We, at the Palestinian Association for Human Rights (Witness), are following UNRWA’s media campaign which focuses on the establishment of a Disaster Management Unit and an emergency plan in response to any potential threat on the Palestinian refugee camps in the event of a sudden war in Lebanon. This involves several meetings and discussions held with Lebanese officials as well as local and international organizations to gain support for relief efforts in case the camps are targeted by Israeli occupation forces by air, land, or sea.

What is surprising, however, is that UNRWA has equipped many of its schools and centers outside the camps, including Siblin Center in Iqlim Al-Kharroub, with various facilities such as sanitation units and storage rooms for relief supplies. Yet, no measures have been taken to supply the camps themselves with extra fuel, relief materials, or medicines to bolster the residents' resilience. Instead, UNRWA has only raised UN flags on its centers and vehicles and painted "UN" on the roofs of its schools and centers.

The preparations UNRWA is making for shelters outside the camps are raising concerns among observers. It seems to imply that all camp residents are expected to evacuate in the event of an attack. Those who choose to stay could be left without access to relief, medicine, or water if the camps are besieged, and they would bear the consequences of their decision.

We, at the Palestinian Association for Human Rights (Witness), acknowledge that UNRWA’s efforts to prepare some shelters for displaced Palestinians from the camps and gatherings are a positive step. However, these preparations need to be extended to the camps and gatherings themselves by implementing the following measures:

· Supply clinics and health centers with additional quantities of chronic diseases medicines.

· Provide sufficient quantities of fuel to operate generators, in both health centers and water wells.

· Supply and store adequate amounts of food items (including canned goods and baby formula) within the camps for emergency use.

· Provide sufficient quantities of medical supplies and first aid kits at clinics and medical centers.

· Provide fire-fighting vehicles through coordination between UNRWA and the Lebanese and international Red Cross organizations.

· Consider extending clinic hours to include both morning and evening shifts throughout the emergency period in the camps.


The Palestinian Association for Human Rights (Witness)

August 19, 2024