Reports & Researches

AI Plotted Geocide: How Corporations Facilitate Israels AI-enabled War on Gaza

AI Plotted Geocide: How Corporations Facilitate Israels AI-enabled War on Gaza  

The use of artificial intelligence in armed conflict and in decision making on the battlefield raises alarming questions on its humanitarian consequences and the adherence to the basic international legal principles.  

The use of artificial intelligence in the current war on Gaza concerns experts with reports indicating that "untested” and "undisclosed” technology is being employed. 

In the following report, we delve into the dilemma of the use of artificial intelligence like the Gospel, Lavender, and Where's Daddy? by Israel in the current war on Gaza, how the use of such technology facilitated the ongoing genocide, and the legal liability of corporations in enabling the means for international crimes. 

 We, at the Palestinian Association for Human Rights (Witness), condemn the unlawful killing of civilians and the destruction of the means of life in Gaza. In this regard, we warn of the devastating impacts of the use of automation and artificial intelligence in warfare. 

We stand firm against the active and passive participation in the active genocide imposed on the people of Gaza, and we condemn all actions that enable the massive destruction of civilian lives and civilian populations whether by states or non-state entities. 

With that being said, we call all concerned corporations and private actors to withhold their contributions and supply of technology and services to the Israeli government that are deployed and used as mass killing machines.

Read the full report: 
